Sunday, February 24, 2008

Just Accept It

In Japan they have a saying. The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. No disrespect to the Japanese, but I'm not Japanese.

I just can't countenance these people who want to who want to force their so-called values on me and everyone else. You can't micromanage life. Just accept it. America is filled with people who want to micromanage life, or at least everyone else's lives. They spew their crap all day long. They even have a radio idol so they can listen to each other blather all day. Rush Limbaugh, the Oxycontin king. Listening to Rush Limbaugh is like being trapped in the back seat of my daddy's car for three hours. I'll pass.

You can hammer the nail down, but sooner or later that nail is going to pop up again. Even in Japan. Just accept it.

I have a neighbor who is in my space. Today (on Sunday, no less) I had a fella over who was sitting in his underwear, watching some porn DVD, hollerin' at the parts he liked the best, and generally having fun with the TV. I really don't see anything wrong with that. So this neighbor was in my face about it. "Do you think that's right to have some man in your place, watching filth like that? Watching filth like that right in front of you, in your own home, do think that's right, girl?"

I don't see anything wrong with it.

"Don't you want a nice man, a good man? What's wrong with you girl?"

He is a nice man, He is a good man.

"I'm going to pray for you!"

Whoop! There it is, "I'm going to pray for you!" The holy-roller speak for "fuck you."

The world is full of these folks, demanding that I, and everyone else, bend to their so-called values. They are such unhappy people, and when the world doesn't bend to their demands, they just turn into angry, bitter people. They cry the blues about how they have been persecuted, how they have been forced to be silent, forced to hold their tongues in a wicked world, when all they ever wanted to do was to do right, to make the world a better place, a place where everybody is righteous and good.

Such bitter folk!

That neighbor I was talking about, if she only knew. That preacher of hers, down at the Big Little Rock Church of Faith and God, that man she thinks is such a model of goody-goodness, that man of Gawd. Yes, that preacher, that one! In the dark, he's about the nastiest freak of the week. I wish she knew what I know. See, I've met that preacher out on the sneak. I met that preacher; that preacher who likes to watch nasty porn DVD's in the dark, and screw ladies in the butt hole.

So, pass the Oxycontin and just accept it!

All together now, "Let us pray."

1 comment:

Keith Jackson said...

Holy moly!!!......I cant stop reading this.....