Saturday, March 01, 2008

John the Conquerer

Papa Legba, open the way for me, when I get back I'll pay honor to the Lwa.

Sometimes people say they worry about my little obsessions, my behaviours, my proclivities, if you will. They ask if I have any heros, someone more positive, someone I would like to emulate.

I think maybe one. Maya Deren.


jesselmabus said...

ayibobo! indeed

maya deren is one of my heroines. her art is still one of the most powerful representation of the surrealistic world of a opposed to say "slicing up eyeballs/oh oh oh/girl is so groovy..." where abjection is still king. off with his head!

have you heard the angels in the mirror: hatian vodou music from ellipsis arts. brilliant stuff. check it check it check it out.

Susan Rhys-Jones said...

Thanks for the comment. Yes, Jesselmabus, I have that CD, it is wonderful.