Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fire in the Hole

There are some motel rooms that you rent by the hour. I know one where someone comes to change the bed sheet and throw out a few towels between guests; just a bed, some towels and a clean sheet, all the basic necessities for an hour or two.

They’ll give you a blanket if you ask for one. I don’t imagine many do.

The last time a man took me there he asked me if I’d like to meet some of his buddies too. “Sure” I said. He paused from the sex just long enough to fish a cell phone out of his pocket and make a call. “It’s all good! She says it’s all good! Yeah, how far away are you?”

Less than two minutes later I had a room full of new boyfriends. I can’t remember their names exactly. I think they were something like Snake, Dawg, T-Bone, and Little Dawg.

One thing about Little Dawg, he wasn’t really little, at least not in that department, and he took three turns.

Good thing they let you rent an extra hour if you want to.

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