Sunday, March 30, 2008


His name is Andre, though sometimes he calls himself Dr. Dre, sometimes just Dre, or sometimes he calls himself D-Dog. He's got a body covered with thug tattoos. He's pretty much the image of the man my momma warned me about, in and out of bed. Andre isn't ever going to be anyone's idea of a gentleman. He's an ex-convict and proud of it.

I've been dating Andre, off and on for about a year now. It's just a chemical attraction. He's the kind of man I like to feel grinding on me. Sometimes, I see him fairly often, sometimes he's pretty scarce. During those long stretches I don't see him, I figure he's in jail or in trouble, or he might be dead. He ain't nothing nice.

Andre never had too many chances in life. Just one institution to the next, he came up on the street. His mother was a whore, the rest of the women that raised him were either whores or worse. The only family he knew was the pack from the street. His philosophy of sex comes from the street, from using whores, from contraband porn in jails, from the lyrics of gangsta rap, and from the tales told by other men just like him. He's been around long enough to have the violence burned out of him, but not the world view.

Don't get me wrong, he's a thug with a thug soul, but he's not un-charming. Far from it, he's very charming. Andre is smart, cunning and physically powerful. He prides himself on his manhood. In another world, if he'd had the chance, he might have been a captain of industry.

Sexually Andre is about as desensitized as any man I've ever met. He occupies the most extreme edge of male sexuality, male sexuality without any experience to temper it. Just pure nasty, the only place a female holds in his world is the feeling he gets when he uses her. "When I fuck a bitch, I never show her no mercy" he says.

Like I said, Andre is a chemical attraction for me. He's the archetype of the most extreme levels of male sexuality. He doesn't hide it, or cover up for it, he hardly keeps his ways a secret. For other men, porn is a video fantasy, a hidden pleasure in life. Andre sees it as a regular depiction of life. It's all just natural to him. For Andre the depiction of sex in porn is just the regular order of things.

Andre considers me a bit of a trophy in his life, and he likes to show me off. A date with Andre, if you can call it that, might end up in the pool room of some back alley tavern, where he'll have me spread my legs for the entertainment of the men in the place and let them all know I am a filthy bitch. Like I said, he ain't nothin' nice.

I think every man has a secret Andre hiding inside them, lurking someplace around the dark street corners of their sexual brain. At least I hope so!

And, I guess you could say, I ain't nothing nice, either.

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