Saturday, March 08, 2008

Dancing with Guédé

Guédé is an awesome spirit, dressed in black. Guédé is the spirit that carries us through the doorway we must all eventually pass, the passageway from life to death. As his incarnation as Baron Samedi he is usually seen wearing a top hat and tails. His colors are black and purple. He holds all the wisdom of death, and he is beyond our ways. He mocks our social proprieties. Guédé walks among us stiff-legged and corpse-like, except when he stops to dance the Banda, a lewd, gyrating dance with exaggerated pelvic thrusts.

Guédé is also the spirit of sexuality. Guédé is not shocked by sexuality, nor is he a moralizer, since sexuality is beyond good and evil, but rather inevitable. Guédé doesn't delight in sexuality or shun it; he is never ashamed of it. Guédé does, however, loudly and obscenely mock those who pretend to be offended by it. He reserves a special contemptuous mockery for those who preach against it. Guédé has no particular use for any kind of authority figure. Sometimes he wears dark glasses with one lens missing, since with his one eye showing, he's a bit of dick-head!

When I am mounted by Guédé it is an overpowering experience. He brings out a total fever in me, a clawing craving of sexual obsession and lust. Nothing can put out the fire-fever of compulsion except to give me that which we might call total slut treatment, since it requires the administration of total slut treatment to satisfy the cravings of a total slut.

Some days I never even see Guédé, hear his lusty song, or smell his musty sweat. Other days the presence of Guédé consumes me, and nothing can satisfy me until I go out dancing with Guédé.


carlo said...

you are such a powerful writer

Susan Rhys-Jones said...

Thank you for your kind words.