Monday, January 26, 2009

Wanderlust, or was it lust, straight-up, no chaser

One thing is for certain, I have a bad case of wanderlust, especially this time of year. Wanderlust, that is, a great desire to roam around and travel, though I certainly can say I have my share of that second syllable, and sometimes, no scratch that, usually, the two coincide.

I get exited about a trip to K-mart, especially if there are men to sample at the deli counter when I get there.

What is that old saying something about the dick being greener on the other side of the fence?

... was it dick? Or was that grass? But I digress...

{I don't know I get my lustings all mixed up this time of year}

Just a random thought... nothing to see here.

I got to keep moving
I got to keep moving
blues falling down like hail
blues falling down like hail

And the day keeps on remindin' me,
there's a hellhound on my trail
hellhound on my trail
hellhound on my trail

-Robert Johnson


doll-intestines said...

robert johnson is awesome. you seem pretty awesome yourself.


Anonymous said...

Miss you!

Peter, B.R., FL

river said...

So sad you're not at home anymore.

SinclairScripa/TaraVerheide said...

Tell us more about the matrix.