Saturday, April 05, 2008

Quiet as it’s kept…

I'm pretty upfront about my sexual philosophies.

Sometime guys say I'm too deep and nasty for their tastes; that I'm way too raw by half. They don't like a female to be so blunt with her sex so much. I don't worry about it. I guess those guys and I will never get along with it anyway. I prefer the guys who like a low bitch.

In fact, I guess I might be about the dirtiest bitch you can imagine. I think I must have been born this way. Where I'm from, some of the more hard core fella's talk about how they can "break a bitch," make something go "pop" someplace in her mind, and turn an innocent female into a dick craving slut.

Maybe they can "break a bitch," but I think those females were about 90% there already. As for me, I'm more like 110%. Sometimes I'm the one that has to drag the nasty side out of the guys I'm with. On the freaky sex thing, I want to punch the gas pedal and go!

I've got a whole philosophy about sex shocks a lot of men if I say it. Though deep down, if you put the question to them, most men agree with me. Fundamentally, the female's place in sex is to serve a man for his total physical pleasure. If that sounds like sex is inherently degrading for the female, then you heard me right!

Isn't it?

Isn't kneeling between a mans legs and sucking his dick sort of degrading? Isn't spreading your legs and having a man repeatedly stick to you with a dick inherently degrading? Of course it is. And we're just talking some plain vanilla sex here.

I like the full power, the full degrading power of the sex act. I like a man who'll kick the god-damn walls down and treat me like the slut I am.

As rough as this truth may sound, I believe we're talking about natural order here. I know of no society, past or present that really believes any differently, though they may pretend they do in "polite" company.


Anonymous said...

i'd love to have sex with you

Wil said...

be fun to smack your ass down and dog you... my kinda slut